
Dockerized Wine IDA, with Jupyter & prebuilt image! https://hub.docker.com/r/nyamisty/docker-wine-ida

Primary LanguageDockerfile


Docker IDA

Dockerized Windows IDA running on Wine, with Xvfb/X11/Xrdp, IDAPython Jupyter Notebook support!

Prebuilt image also available!


  • Xvfb/X11/Xrdp support builtin: based on scottyhardy/docker-wine, offering a easy-to-use Wine environment
  • IDAPython Jupyter Notebook: (Python3 only)
    • IDAPython integrated as Jupyter Notebook kernel using ipyida.
    • Notebook server available at port 8080, with password "DockerWineIDA"
  • Prebuilt leaked IDA version available at ghcr.io/nyamisty/docker-wine-ida


  • Select one version to begin with

    docker pull ghcr.io/nyamisty/docker-wine-ida:7.7sp1
    docker pull ghcr.io/nyamisty/docker-wine-ida:7.6sp1
    docker pull ghcr.io/nyamisty/docker-wine-ida:7.5sp3
    docker pull ghcr.io/nyamisty/docker-wine-ida:7.0
  • Basic info

    • By default docker-wine-ida starts Jupyter Notebook server at 8080 port if no command supplied
      • Make sure you map the path needed under /root: Jupyter Notebook server uses /root as root directory
        • I prepared a /root/host volume as host sharing path, you can actually do -v /:/root/host
      • note: you'll also need to expose the 8080 port using -p 8080:8080
    • IDA locates at C:\IDA
  • You can run docker-wine-ida in several mode:

    • Xvfb: no IDA windows output, only console
    • X11: showing IDA windows through X11 (through X11/VcXsrv/WSLg)
    • Xrdp: showing IDA windows through a Xrdp RDP session
    • (Because docker-wine-ida is based on scottyhardy/docker-wine, more usage can be found in the manual-running part of docker-wine's documentation.)


All these examples spins up a jupyter server. Add command to the end if you want to do other things.

  • Run with Xvfb

    • Without mapping dir:
    docker run --name docker-ida -p 8080:8080 -v "/:/root/host" -it ghcr.io/nyamisty/docker-wine-ida:7.6sp1
    • Map current directory to Z:\root\host
    docker run --name docker-ida -p 8080:8080 -v "/:/root/host" -it ghcr.io/nyamisty/docker-wine-ida:7.6sp1
  • Run with X11 forward:

    docker run --name docker-ida -p 8080:8080 -v "/:/root/host" --hostname="$(hostname)" --env="USE_XVFB=no" --env="DISPLAY" --volume="${XAUTHORITY:-${HOME}/.Xauthority}:/root/.Xauthority:ro" --volume="/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:ro" -it ghcr.io/nyamisty/docker-wine-ida:7.6sp1
  • Run with Xrdp:

    1. Run the container, and export the RDP port 3389.
    docker run --name docker-ida -p 8080:8080 -v "/:/root/host" -p "3389:3389/tcp" --hostname="$(hostname)" --env="RDP_SERVER=yes" -it ghcr.io/nyamisty/docker-wine-ida:7.6sp1
    1. Connect to RDP server with credentials:
    • user: root
    • pass: DockerWineIDA
    1. Run IDA in the terminal:
    wine C:\\IDA\\ida.exe
    wine C:\\IDA\\ida64.exe
