
A web application to plan your first date

Primary LanguageJavaScript


1st Date is a single-page web application that algorithmically determines the best spot for you to take your date. You probably don't know that much about him or her; we've thought about that and given you a wide range of descriptors. Once you've told us a little bit about your date, you click a button and we'll take care of the rest by suggesting a restaurant and providing all the relevant details. All you'll need to do is make the reservation. And if you don't like your search, you can search again as many times as it takes for you to love the place (although we're pretty confident we'll get it on the first time!). We hope you enjoy our app and have a great first date.

-- Minimum Viable Product -- The main focus for this app is the ability to suggest first date ideas based on a person's interests, personality and location.

-- APIs used -- Yelp API (for place suggestions) Factual API (for resturant option) Google Maps API (for location info)

-- User Stories -- 1- As a user I want to be able to create a profile with my name, birthdate, location, and interests and a password to search more quickly. 2- As a user I want to able to select interests from a dropdown menu for an easier search. 3- As a user I want to be able to enter my date's information so that it is a good date. 4- As a user I want to be able to search for a good restaurant, suggested from my date's interests, in a convenient location. 5- As a user I want to view this restaurant and a summary of its information to know where I'm going. 6- As a user I want to select my intended budget and have the search take that into account to have the date be within my price range. 7- As a user I want to be able to see a different option if I don't like the first one so that I can find a date I really like.

-- Trello Link -- https://trello.com/b/TJ6d0gl3/project

-- Entity-Relationship Diagram -- https://files.slack.com/files-pri/T0351JZQ0-F048AK8FM/wdi_first_date_app_erd

-- Deployed Application -- http://first-date.herokuapp.com/