
Warehouse Management System Built With React and Django

Primary LanguageCSS

Warehouse Management Software Built With React and Django

Dashboard Homepage

Shipment Creation Page

Backend - Django

  1. Clone this repository
  2. git clone https://github.com/Nyamador/wms
  3. Create a virtual environment with virtualenv virtual {your-virtual-environment-name}
  4. Activate your virtual environment , from your virtual environment root .\Scripts\activate
  5. Go back to your project root where the requirements.txt lives
  6. Install dependencies pip install -r requirements.txt
  7. cd wms
  8. Run your migrations => manage.py makemigrations then manage.py migrate
  9. Run the project python manage.py runserver

Frontend - Reaact

  1. cd wms-frontend
  2. If you prefer using npm -> Run npm i or yarn add for Yarn

Redis - Caching

  1. Download Redis From The Official Website ( You need Redis > 3.x.x )
  2. If you run windows download the Binary (Not Official) from this link Redis Windows Binary 3.2.100
  3. If you want be able to run the Redis-Server with redis-server without having to open the \bin directory of the binary everytime, add it to your path. You should be able to start the server with redis-server.
  4. To verify the server is running open another terminal window and run redis-cli, then enter PING. You should see PONG on your screen.