
the solution are all my ideas and research on my various assigned katas on codewar---has alot of explanations

.all challenges are based in javascript and are great for starters in javascript basics .start from javascript basics like stacks,queues,arrays,objects , functions... etc


// function solution(input, markers) { // return input.split('\n').map( // line => markers.reduce( // (line, marker) => line.split(marker)[0].trim(), line // ) // ).join('\n') // } // 8 similar code variations are grouped with this oneShow Variations

// You initialise your newString with a space. That is a wrong start. That space is not warranted to be there. You should only take characters from the input. It should be an empty string. // The newline character is not "/n", but "\n" // input.split() converts a string to an array of characters. If your aim was to make it possible to access characters through indexing, then realise that you can do so with a string as well: input[i] gives you the character at that offset. // Variable names are important. Naming a variable string is not very helpful. Nor is words, when actually it holds one character. So character would be a better choice. // includes expects a string as argument, but you pass markers. The || "/n" has no additional value, because markers is a truthy value and so || will stop right there (short-circuit evaluation). And as markers is an array, not a string, includes converts that value into a comma-separated string. Obviously that string is very unlikely to occur in your input. You need to test for each marker character individually, and also check for the newline character. // The body of your if statement is empty (in your main attempt). This cannot be useful. Maybe you were looking for continue; which will skip the rest of the loop and continue with the next iteration of it. // There is no provision to skip the characters that follow a marker character. // You have no provision to eliminate spacing that occurs before a marker character. // newString is a string, so there is no need to call newString.toString();

function solution(input, markers) { let newString = ""; for (let i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { let character = input[i]; if (markers.includes(character)) { // move i to just before the end of the current line i = input.indexOf("\n", i) - 1; // Remove the white space that we already added at the end newString = newString.trimRight(); // If no newline character at end of last line: break if (i < 0) break; // Skip rest of this iteration continue; } newString += input[i]; } return newString; }

//when you copy paste/download/glone the challange will outmatically