
Class Attendance Register from the andela bootcamp projects. It is an implementation of a register where users can record students in a class, add students to a class, remove students as well as delete classes.

Primary LanguagePython

This is from the andela bootcamp projects pdf. It contains two files. 1.)attendance_register.py which contains code representing the requirements below and 2.)test_attendance_register.py which represents the tests to ensure code from attendance register works.

Application Requirements: Class Attendance Register ■The class attendance register is used to check-in students when they come into class. To be able to do this, we need to have the following commands. ■check in <student_id> <class_id>​ - Checks in a student into a class at the current time. A student once checked cannot be checked into another class except the class he has been checked into has ended. ■check out <student_id> <class_id> ​ - Force check out a student from a class but a reason must be provided e.g Medical, Need to go home etc. ■log start <class_id>​ - This creates a new time log for a particular class ■log end <class_id>​ - This ends a time log for a class that has already been started ■student add <student_details>​ - This command creates a new student in the database and generate an id for the student ■student remove <student_id>​ - This command deletes a student based on the student_id. ■class add <class_details>​ - This command creates a new class in the database and generates an id for the class. ■class remove <class_id>​ - This command deletes a class based on the class_id. ■class list​ - List all the classes with their status (Shows the status of the class and the number of students in that class at the moment) ■student list​ - List all the students and if they’re currently in a class