Find a path to the given Othello board
Run it and you see:
$ Reverse_Othello.exe
please input the board (X: black O: white)
example: ------------------O--X---OOOXXX--OOOXXX---OOXX-----OX----------- X
Please input a board, then transcripts will be shown. Please use X
for black discs, O
for white discs, -
for empty squares.
If you input Tiger opening, you'll see:
$ Reverse_Othello.exe
please input the board (X: black O: white)
example: ------------------O--X---OOOXXX--OOOXXX---OOXX-----OX----------- X
------------------XO------XXX------OXX-----O-------------------- O
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
. . O X . . . .
. . O O O . . .
. . . X O O . .
. . . X . . . .
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
found 2 solutions in 0 ms 10 nodes
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