
Primary LanguageElixir

IoT for UPnP+

Setup UPnP Cloud Capable Device (UCCD)

Host target

mix do deps.get, compile
cd apps/nerves_uccd/
iex -S mix

RaspberryPi target

  1. Prepare SSH
export MIX_TARGET=mim_iot_rpi
mv priv apps/nerves_uccd/priv
# take a note of the generated id_rsa and id_rsa.pub files that will be required at login
  1. Build and run
cd apps/nerves_uccd
mix do deps.get, compile
mix firmware
# insert and SD card
mix firmware.burn
# insert the card into the Pi and start it - it will boot into the shell
  1. SHH-in
cd $ROOT
ssh -p 2222 -i id_rsa $RPI_IP # if you have [zeroconf] then use raspberrypi.local
# the id_rsa file was generated in the Prepare ssh step
  1. Start Elixir shell

Connect to an XMPP server (target agnostic)

alias Romeo.Connections, as: Conn
alias Romeo.Stanza
opts = [jid: "user_1@localhost", password: "pass_1", host: ""]
{:ok,pid} = Conn.start_link opts
Conn.send pid, Romeo.Stanza.presence
flush() # it will reveal XMPP messages being received from the server