
My personal GitHub page description.

MIT LicenseMIT

trykatchup@github:~$ ./welcome.sh
< Welcome to my personal github page! >
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
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                ||     ||

Unfortunately I didn't find the author of the pic, feel to open a pull request if found

🏫 MsC Computer engineering student @Unibo
🔎 Main interests in AI & Cybersec
🔭 Working on Deep Learning based cybersecurity solutions
🌱 Learning about Computer Vision and Machine Learning stuff
🌟 Main languages: Python, C/C++, Java 
🏴‍☠️ Currently involved in CTF competitions and sysadmin tasks
🚩 Interested in network security and web security
💖 In a complicated relationship with Suricata IDS
🖌️ Love drawing portraits and cute stuff, cycling, going to concerts
🎵 Love metal, rock, jazz and blues
⚡ Love ketchup (but not on pasta or pizza) 🍅
💻 Total commits: 5817
⭐ Total start gained: 143


trykatchup@github:~$ sudo echo "* * * * * /usr/local/bin/catchbugs" >> /tmp/crontab$$
[sudo] Password for trykatchup:

CATching bugs in code...
       \`*-.    [me]              
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         '  `+.;  ;  '      :   
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