
My personal portfolio website --vanilla

Primary LanguageSCSS


My Personal Portfolio

Table of Contents


  • My personal portfolio. I've tried to gather all the tricks & workarounds I learned so far, So it will serve as a showcase of my skills in the present!
  • I built the app without a framework to showcase I can build anything from scratch.
  • The App utilizes CRUD operations in the contact form. Also, the Idle state for the side controllers and many more js implemented functionalities are listed below.

Preview page


  • Advanced project structure SASS/Pug/Gulp
  • Components oriented project
  • Used Gulp to compress images to minify MBs for the max limit!
  • Dynamically created controllers based on the main sections --performance & blogging purposes
  • hide controllers on idle state
  • localStorage to save settings
  • loading state
  • Downloaded icons separately to minify KBs... considering SVGs
  • Limiting scroll, mousemove events on their perspective sections --performance purposes
  • Coordinated Complex Animation timeline stamps
  • Timely preview dialogs
  • Validation Form
  • Improved preformance by 36%, accessability 23%, best practices by 12%, SEO by 24%

  • TODO:

    • dw hover interchange clrs
    • dark toggle functionlity
    • smiley faces home bg
    • 9 dots Menu on mobile
    • Hexagon hover
    • one-section on bigger devices
    • falling animation on active section!
    • loading state with animated word
    • [-] Spinners at certificates section
    • eye follow at contact section --Contact me word
    • custom scrollbar
    • localStorage to save settings 'such as dark/light mode'
    • animate skills' bars
    • fading effect on shadow text
    • FIXDONE: timeline stamps on mobile view --> timeliner on left, stamps on right 1-col
    • hover img greyscale -> ..
    • effect trail follow mouse
    • [-] fixed sidebar on the left .... fakely created by dom fragment
    • form input bottom borders
    • timely disappear controllers on idle state
    • click on img popup a viewer screen with x btn
    • complete meta file
    • FIXDONE Autoplacement IE supports
    • Edge supports
    • FIXDONE sections' padding in Edge browser
    • FIXDONE clean any hover effect on large screens only
    • FIXDONE disable idle state on home section
    • FIXDONE iusse font family, timeline on mobile view
    • mousemove event only at contact section
    • reset css
    • clean build/js files
    • Fully functional submitting form
    • add links in the grid popup preview
    • dynamically creating controllers into fragment based on sections number
    • validation system of the form
    • run tests for performance, accessability, SEO, best practices
    • [-] fetch portfolio images from github links
    • the x button in image previewer
    • check if can remove sections node instead of hidding em
    • interplacing moving animation on portfolio
    • onScroll transformY the section from -100% to 0
    • logo and header 'menu on mobile'
    • lighting points around home section links, check the earthy bgs
    • filter on the portfolio items
    • sending message at contact section actually function
    • scroll based moving through sections & animations
    • https://codepen.io/alexitaylor/pen/RgxJwg pacticles


    1st Day: 26/3/2022
    first Dev session:      01:12 PM    ~   07:32 PM        ~ 06h 20m
    2nd Day: 27/3/2022
    first Dev session:      11:12 AM    ~   05:23 PM        ~ 06h 11m
    second Dev session:     08:28 PM    ~   11:35 PM        ~ 03h 07m
    3th Day: 28/3/2022
    first Dev session:      12:05 PM    ~   04:15 PM        ~ 05h 38m
    second Dev session:     05:43 PM    ~   06:21 PM        ~ 00h 38m
    4th Day: 29/3/2022
    first Dev session:      01:10 PM    ~   06:52 PM        ~ 05h 42m
    5th Day: 30/3/2022
    first Dev session:      12:10 AM    ~   05:02 AM        ~ 04h 52m
    second Dev session:     03:11 PM    ~   06:45 PM        ~ 03h 34m
    third Dev session:      06:37 PM    ~   12:15 AM        ~ 05h 38m
    Initial Development Completed in   41h 40m


    Website Stats Desktop Report
    Website Stats Moblie Report


    🤩 Leave a ⭐ if you like it, Please!

    📫 Please hit me up at mohammed.yuossry@gmail.com if you have any feedback or improvements.