
My Personal Portfolio

Table of Contents


  • My personal portfolio. I've tried to gather all the tricks & workarounds I learned so far, So it will serve as a showcase of my skills in the present!
  • The App utilizes CRUD operations in the contact form. Also, the Idle state for the side controllers and many more js implemented functionalities are listed below.


  • Nextjs
  • Tailwind
  • Framer-motion
  • emailjs


  • dark-light toggle
  • custom scroll bar
  • form validation
  • update metadata
  • floating sidebar
  • floating whatsapp button wa.link/syyevq
  • adjust linking sections postion when press on navLink, stop at 100px-ish top of the setion
  • navbar transparency
  • [-] footer typography
  • connect to db to create projects dynamically (admin dashboard)
  • connect to db to allow adding testimonials


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📫 Please hit me up at mohammed.yuossry@gmail.com if you have any feedback or improvements.