
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Models CIFAR100 ImageNet
AlexNet 53.18% ------
CC_AlexNet 59.51% ------
DY_AlexNet 59.21% ------
WN_AlexNet 59.63% ------
ResNet18 72.51% ------
CC_ResNet18 74.35% ------
DY_ResNet18 73.44% ------
WN_ResNet18 73.03% ------
MobileNetV2 70.57% ------
CC_MobileNetV2 71.07% ------
DY_MobileNetV2 70.56% ------
WN_MobileNetV2 70.96% ------

Default Training Configurations

Parameter Value
epochs 90
batch 128
learning rate 0.01
update learning rate every 30 epochs
learning rate update factor 0.1
SGD momentum 0.9
SGD weight decay 5e-4

How To Set Up Python and Pip


How To Set Up the Environment

To install the necessary Python packages for training

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

How To Run the Training

For simplicity, just run

python3 train.py --network some_defined_network

If you want to play around with the hyper-parameters run python3 train.py -h to see the program's flags or arguments.

--network               Some predefined network architecture

-e, --epoch             Number of epochs for training
-b, --batch             Batch size
-l, --lr                Learning rate for SGD
-m, --momentum          Momentum for SGD
-d, --weight-decay      Weight decay for SGD
-s, --step-size         Update the learning rate every x epochs
-g, --gamma             Learning rate update factor. new_lr = old_lr * gamma

--save                  Whether to save network after training
--dataset               Dataset to be trained with, CIFAR100 or ImageNet
--cuda                  Use GPU to train if the flag is used
--ngpu                  Number of GPUs used for training

Another example to run

python3 train.py --network resnet18 -e 120 -b 512 -l 0.1 -m 0.9 -d 0.0005 -s 80 -g 0.1 --dataset cifar100 --cuda


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