'tag Level does not exist' error
nillawafers4u opened this issue · 10 comments
not 100% sure what I'm doing but when I run the script it throws this error ('tag Level does not exist') and gives a blank "new region" folder with nothing in it.
using different parameters seems to have no effect, do you have any idea of what i"m doing wrong?
Hi, could you check the size of your r.6.-1.mca file?
Or, check if there are any .mca files with a size listed of 0 bytes.
r.6.-1.mca seems to be about 12mb, I went ahead and sorted by size and there's probably like 20 mca files that are 0 bytes in the region folder of my world
What version of the game is it? It could be one of two issues and I'm trying to get both of them fixed right now 🤔
Ok, try running this version of main.py and let me know if it works or not. I think this should fix the issues with 1.18. https://github.com/Nyveon/MCStructureCleaner/blob/1.5/main.py
Seems to run as intended now, all but 3 of the warnings I was getting for "betternether:nether_city" are gone. not really sure why the other 3 are still there but overall it seems to have done the trick
Great! Glad it's mostly working as intended. Strange that it didn't work for all tags, do you think you could send me your region folder so I could check it out and see why this would be?
doesnt seem to let me attach my region file, I'm new to github am I doing something wrong?
Also I took a look with NBTExplorer in the chucks that the the warnings are claiming the references are but there doesnt seem to actually be anything there anymore.
You might have to upload it somewhere else, or you can send it to me directly via discord Nyveon#9999.
But yeah... very strange. Maybe more changed in 1.18 than I thought at first.