Modded structure cleaner for Minecraft. Removes all references to non-existent structures to allow for clean error logs and chunk saving.
- 4rft5
- aaronnewie
- alexeik
- AMDBartekUnited Kingdom
- bloodypangolin
- chosti-factor
- ClayXrex
- DemonInTheClosetGermany
- Den4enkoUkraine and Germany
- ellieeet123A long time ago in a galaxy far far away
- engaltoriGermany
- ev3restCharlotte, NC
- FrezeON
- GemPvP
- Goldenfreddy0703
- Gonxolo
- incur
- Jadan1213
- LordEnder86
- meowcorpYandex
- MrAn0nymGermany
- NanobotZ
- NyveonUniversidad de Chile
- OmmpNorway
- pen338
- PolarEndTech
- QuozulParis, France
- SonarBeserk
- Sumneer
- tarosbubbleteaValparaíso, Chile
- TheGrimm16
- TrueBlackout
- Xarth-Mai
- xph007kill
- yurisascBrisbane, Australia