
A MiniBrowser module to Titanium Appcelerator, written in pure JavaScript. Supports iOS and Android (Intents).

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This is a module to Titanium Appcelerator. It simules a MiniBrowser insides your application, with some options.

NOTE: If you have some feature request, please create an issue or contribute with the project, it will be awesome!


  • Titanium SDK: 2.0.x (+)
  • iOS: 4.x (+)
  • Android: 2.1 (+)


You have to use it following CommonJS rules. You can open the MiniBrowser in a Modal Window (default), or you can open it in a NavigationGroup or TabGroup. Below you will se examples that simules both.

In Android, always when you will try open MiniBrowser, it will fire an Intent to user. I really believe that this is more apropriate to Android platform.


Modal Window

var TiMiniBrowser = require("lib/MiniBrowser/TiMiniBrowser");

var browser = new TiMiniBrowser({
	url: "http://www.nyvra.net",
	barColor: "#FF0000"


NavigationGroup or TabGroup

var TiMiniBrowser = require("lib/MiniBrowser/TiMiniBrowser");

var browser = new TiMiniBrowser({
	url: "http://www.nyvra.net",
	barColor: "#FF0000"



  • url*: Here, you set the first URL that your MiniBrowser will open.
  • barColor: You can set an hexadecimal color to MiniBrowser barColor. This color will be applied to NavigationBar, Toolbar and EmailDialog. Default is undefined.
  • modal: Here, you set if the Window will be modal or not. If it's not modal, the leftNavButton of Window will be undefined, and you can open it using method getWindow and opening with a NavigationGroup or a TabGroup. Default is true.


  • open: In iOS, this method will simple open the Window (probably Window have to be modal). In Android, will open an Intent.
  • getWindow: Return the MiniBrowser Window instance, to open with others components (like NavigationGroup and TabGroup).


The default strings language in this browser is in English. If you wanna translate the strings, you can use the following ids:

  • copy_link
  • open_browser
  • send_by_email
  • cancel
  • close

If you don't know how to internationalize your application, please read this Wiki - Internationalization.


TiMiniBrowser TiMiniBrowser


  • Make a CoffeeScript version of this Module.