
Addons for Clearvision

Primary LanguageCSS

Clearvision Addons

Addons created for Clearvision theme. Might not work properly with other themes


Adds gradients to various parts of the theme to make it more colourful


  1. Copy and paste @import url(https://clearvision.github.io/Addons/gradients.css); below the other imports
  2. Add the following at the bottom inside of root:
    /* Gradients */
        --gradient-color1: var(--main-color); /* primary color [default: var(--main-color) */
        --gradient-color2: var(--hover-color); /* secondary color [default: var(--hover-color) */
        --gradient-direction: 130deg; /* angle of gradient [default: 130deg] */
  3. Change the values to customize it and you're done

Speech Bubbles

Displays text in chat as speech bubbbles


  1. Copy and paste @import url(https://clearvision.github.io/Addons/speech-bubbles.css); below the other imports
  2. Optional: to change the colors add the following at the bottom inside of root:
    /* Speech Bubbbles */
        --bubble-color: #fff;
        --bubble-hover-color: #fff: