
  • Olly Marsters

Getting started

  • Jest is installed as a development dependency. To review tests and make sure that they run, please run npm i jest.

  • In the package.json in the root directory, change the default name of the test script to jest.

  • Then run tests from the root directory with the command npm run test

  • To see only the output of the getMultiples function in main.js, run the command node main.js from inside the src directory.

  • To view the whole front-end application, open the index.html file in the browser.

  • Enter a number into the input field box, click the button and see a multiplication table for that number of prime numbers.

Code that I am pleased with

  • Starting on line 26 of main.js. I am pleased with the solution for getting the multiples of the primes.
  • The nested for loop in my opionion provides a clean solution for ensuring that every integer is multiplied by itself and every other number in the primes array.
  • I am also pleased with how I have managed to display and format the output of the multiples, in the front-end.
  • The application is user friendly and comments throughout the code should make it clear what the process is for this algorithm to work.

If I had more time

  • I would like to add functionality in the fron-end, whereby upon clicking on a certain value, it's whole column and row become highlighted. This would allow for easier testing of the application for large N inputs.
  • I would also like to rewrite my getMultiples function, that incorporates new line characters at the points where a new table row should start, rather than displaying this is the front-end.