
Nudge Me, a map-based reminder

Primary LanguageJava

Nudge Me

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App Description

Nudge-me is a location-based reminder, you can speacify a patricular location from the map, at which a notification can prompt. A nudge simply refers to a note or a notice.

Project Structure

The project is designed using Mvp design pattern along with dependency injection using Dagger2. It consists of

  • 3 Activities
  • 1 Background service
  • 1 Broadcast reciever


Is used to display the saved nudges with their details


Is where you can input the details of a new nudge except the location


Is where you can input the location of a nudge from the map


Is a background service to request location updates and prompt a notification when approaching a place where a nudge is selected at


Is a broadcast reciever to handle the click on notifications

Special features in the app

  • RecyclerView swipe-to-delete with undo option
  • Animation for adding and removing item
  • Animation of floating action button and other buttons

Screenshots of the app


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