Version 4.x of the OpenAPI Specification is known as "Moonwalk," and has a goal to ship in 2024.
- aabedraba@producta-ai
- alexandreeliseMr Alexandre J-S William ELISÉ
- antgarmaeEsMobile
- aravind-visChennai
- avegeraWarsaw
- bcoughlanGalway, Ireland
- buchi-busireddy
- captainsafia@microsoft
- darrelmillerMicrosoft
- DavidBiesackApiture
- deka
- earth2marshApigee
- fabianrossiMelbourne, Australia
- frankkilcommins
- Gr8Gatsby
- hudlow
- iluich67Innowise Group
- j-romoEx-Amazon
- karelhusaAPImate - Karel Husa
- kevinswiber@postmanlabs
- kristufeSAS
- kvaleev
- LaskewitzMicrosoft
- miguelrk@netzo
- mkistlerMicrosoft
- mpetrinidev@LN-Zap
- NeoCNAfterShip
- olensmar@kubeshop
- playpauseandstop@PortsideCO
- ralfhandlSAP SE
- rhys-saldanha@jpmorganchase
- Stranger6667Workato
- swarnock1
- tomkerkhoveMicrosoft
- x73x63
- zakhar-gulchakBerlin, Germany