This is an implematation project of face detection and recognition. The face detection using MTCNN algorithm, and recognition using LightenenCNN algorithm.
- ALanHuaHangZhou
- austinggHanzhou, China
- BigRabbit71Zhejiang University
- chakkritteNaresuan University
- Charyun
- chinakook
- CsiSheng
- daimonstokyo japan
- fangjiayueyuan
- feiwang2018
- fengzi0
- gaurence
- ggsonic
- gnleaf
- honghuCode
- ichenli
- joyyueyi
- kevinee
- LittlePengAirbnb
- mingfengwuyeBeijing
- mkbird
- narendranmr
- neophack
- Orangels
- pppoeBellevue, WA
- scott-hechina
- sdusxw
- shouguicaiZhejiang University
- simonbinwang
- starofys
- xcls1117https://github.com/OAID
- xhzcyc
- xinguanxishenzhen
- yeshiyuan00guangzhou.china
- york67617Chengdu
- zhenglaizhangtubi.tv