
Minimal info set of published OASIS standards and committee specifications

MIT LicenseMIT

Open Data OASIS Standards Database Support Project

Minimal info set of published OASIS standards and committee specifications


Improve public structured access to the existing OASIS workproducts on standards track in stage Committee Specification (CS) or OASIS Standard (OS).

Normative Source

The data is imported from the Standards page at OASIS.

Information Model

A simple table column model mapping the available data onto a flat structure.


The information shall be made available in different formats to ease offering OData or similar access services.

The formats in scope of the project are:

  1. Excel(tm) XSLX (OfficeXML based spreadsheet format in zip container)
  2. JSON
  3. YAML
  4. SQLite database

Status Formats

Bootstrapping is focusing on Excel(tm) XSLX format only.