
Creating elections, choosing a candidate, integrating polls into the elections, all data is saved On Ethereum Network. (Solidity Smart Contracts, Web3js, Meta Mask Wallet, React)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

set up

Full Election Dapp application on ethereum BlockChain
Project include ERC20 ,ERC721 SmartContract implementation 
BackEnd : ethereum Network with ganache / hardhat 
FrontEnd: Web3js , React 


1.install both apps with calling npm install in their folders
2.run either hardhat  node in election-contracts folder using npx hardhat node)
3.make sure your localhost account on web wallet is cleaned of transactions because it wont align with the newly created network
4.run npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js in election-contracts(separate terminal) main folder
5.set the main contract address right in address.json in constants folder in election-dapp src
6.run npm start in election-dapp