
Have a mapping file to non-OBO ontologies/vocabularies in SSSOM

Opened this issue · 6 comments

I propose to have a SSSOM file or something similar in the repo which contains mappings to other non-OBO ontologies and vocabularies, so that data mapping would be easier, e.g. mappings to SIO, schema.org, WikiData etc.

Its not final, but its being evolved:


Is that what you are looking for?

@matentzn if I understood the rationale behind cob-to-external.tsv right, this TSV and the corresponding OWL is meant for the mapping between COB and only the other OBO ontologies. If not, than I guess this is the place to put the mappings of the above mentioned DBs/schemas. If yes, another mapping file in the COB repo to those non-OBO external sources would be very useful.

Ah yes, I understand now. Yes, you are right, this would probably be better captured in a separate mapping file. Do you want to use this ticket here to collect some mappings? once they reach 20, I will create the sssom file. Good idea!

see also #22 & #16 & #15

I created a mapping a while ago but it seems to have been lost in some repositry refactoring..

I looked through many PRs and issues and commits, but cannot find anything.. Possible that it was in a different repo? The major refactoring (ODK) did not remove any TSV files from COB..