
Issue running `sh run.sh make`

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Similar to #176, now I'm running the whole make suite and getting a different error (also looks like it's due to a path missing):

robot --catalog catalog-v001.xml query -f tsv -i cob-edit.owl -s ../sparql/basic-report.sparql reports/basic-report.tsv -s ../sparql/class-count-by-prefix.sparql reports/class-count-by-prefix.tsv -s ../sparql/edges.sparql reports/edges.tsv -s ../sparql/xrefs.sparql reports/xrefs.tsv -s ../sparql/obsoletes.sparql reports/obsoletes.tsv -s ../sparql/synonyms.sparql reports/synonyms.tsv
robot --catalog catalog-v001.xml export -i cob.owl  -c "ID|ID [LABEL]|definition|subClassOf [ID NAMED]|subClassOf [LABEL NAMED]|subClassOf [ID ANON]|subClassOf [LABEL ANON]" -e cob.tsv
rsync -R   cob.owl   cob-base.owl   cob-base-reasoned.owl   cob-examples-reasoned.owl   cob-full.owl   cob.tsv ../.. &&\
  rm -f   cob.owl   cob-base.owl   cob-base-reasoned.owl   cob-examples-reasoned.owl   cob-full.owl  tmp/merged-cob-edit.owl &&\
rm -f cob.tsv &&\
  echo "Release files are now in ../.. - now you should commit, push and make a release on your git hosting site such as GitHub or GitLab"
Release files are now in ../.. - now you should commit, push and make a release on your git hosting site such as GitHub or GitLab
robot --catalog catalog-v001.xml verify  --catalog catalog-v001.xml -i cob-edit.owl --queries ../sparql/equivalent-classes-violation.sparql ../sparql/owldef-self-reference-violation.sparql -O reports
PASS Rule ../sparql/equivalent-classes-violation.sparql: 0 violation(s)
PASS Rule ../sparql/owldef-self-reference-violation.sparql: 0 violation(s)
robot --catalog catalog-v001.xml reason --input cob-edit.owl --reasoner ELK  --equivalent-classes-allowed all --exclude-tautologies structural --output test.owl && rm test.owl && echo "Success"
cp -r products/* ../../products
cp: cannot stat 'products/*': No such file or directory
make: *** [cob.Makefile:26: prepare_cob_products] Error 1

Thank you,

adding to #180
