
Add list of contributors to cob-edit

Opened this issue · 2 comments

This should be standard SOP for all ontologies:

  • mark creators and contributors in the header
  • this should be the same as author lists for publications or talks about the ontology, or used to drive acknowledgment slides
  • contribution via PR automatically confers contribution status
  • meaningful contribution via github issue discussion may also confer contribution
  • active participation in workshops may confer contribution

In general ontology maintainers should do due diligence to ensure inclusion but the system also relies on contributors self-nominating

I am not sure if that is intended, but if 'contribution via PR will confer contribution status', and contribution status = author status, then the (amazing) efforts by Nico and Charlie would make them co-authors of every OBO ontology. I am pretty sure they would not want to claim that?

Well I think this is a more general issue we want to sort out - I expect they are already listed as "Authors" on all DOIs that are generated by Zenodo from synced ontologies.

I think anyone should be free to opt out - a github based mechanism would have both a small number of false positives like this, and (depending how we define contribution) more false negatives - but it is at least a starting point