
Upgrading FoodOn to work with COB as top-level

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I thought I'd report out about the FoodOn conversion to COB. The main effort is to adapt all the existing MIREOT term importing from other sources to not use BFO upper level. At moment FoodOn build is still working with OntoFox which enables us to stop the import of a term's ancestors past a certain parent, so it works well in giving the list of COB top level terms, and thereby not have to retrieve BFO upper level terms even though they are situated under them often.

A few things do come up:

COB's erroneous "material entity" id will be taken care of soon I see.

UBERON and CARO have this thing called "biological entity". Does that fit in COB? Or do I place their subClass "anatomical entity" under "material entity" directly?

UBERON has "life cycle". Do we fudge that into "process"?

I'm bringing OWLTime in to cover describing durations of processes. Where can I place time:Duration? I had brought in "one-dimensional temporal region" as a parent from BFO, but where would that fit?

Thanks for advice,


@ddooley thank you for taking the time to write this! I don't know any of the answers, but I want to give a big thumbs up for the work you have been doing integrating COB and identifying issues!