
External ID not found in the system: base.menu_config"

Closed this issue · 27 comments

Hello, downloaded the Odoo connector into apps folder, and changed all _manifest files to install true. Tried then installing but gives me this error:

ParseError: "External ID not found in the system: base.menu_config" while parsing /var/www/erp/odoo/addons/connector/setting_view.xml:44, near

Any idea how to fix?

That's because the module is not yet migrated. See #255 for the work on the migration.

Shoudlnt the description be updated then?
"Odoo Magento Connector (also known as MagentoERPconnect) is a bi-directional connector, 100% compatible with the last OpenERP 10.0 and latest Magento versions (1.x)."

Also how is the pull request doing, is it running?

That description is automatic, but just below it you can see the list of unported modules. About the pull request, just try yourself and check the status in the comments.

You try to install module 'connector_magento' that depends on module 'base_technical_user'.
But the latter module is not available in your system.

Any idea where I find that module?

Ok #255 gives me same error for "External ID not found in the system: base.menu_config"

Is any of the Magento 10 connectors for sale out there any good? I guess this edition wont be running for a while...

I think you are not installing it correctly and you will find similar problems with a purchased connector. Start again with a fresh installation, and make sure you put the proper code in it, with all the dependencies.

But you just said "That's because the module is not yet migrated. See #255 for the work on the migration." and now you say its because I installed wrong?

They are complementary: use right code and install it properly.

New install gave me

File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/odoo/models.py", line 1083, in validate_fields
raise ValidationError("%s\n\n%s" % (
("Error while validating constraint"), tools.ustr(e)))
ParseError: "Error while validating constraint

View inheritance may not use attribute 'string' as a selector.

Error context:
View product.normal.form
[view_id: 1148, xml_id: n/a, model: product.template, parent_id: 385]
None" while parsing /var/www/erp/odoo/addons/product_m2mcategories/views/product_view.xml:4, near


@CiaraCode product_m2mcategories is not a requirement of connector_magento in v 10.0. The module is named product_multi_category and is in https://github.com/OCA/product-attribute
I don't know what is trying to install product_m2mcategories in you setup.

@guewen, thats strange. I have a fresh install of Odoo 10, and only downloaded the Odoo connector module from github... :/

I think you are trying to install the code from the 10.0 branch https://github.com/OCA/connector-magento/tree/10.0/magentoerpconnect, but this module is not yet migrated. You have to use the branch from #255 (which is https://github.com/guewen/connector-magento/tree/10.0-components)

Used the latest revision you uploaded for 2 hours ago @guewen , from the https://github.com/guewen/connector-magento/tree/10.0-components link.

When trying to install module, i get this error:

ParseError: "duplicate key value violates unique constraint "mail_followers_mail_followers_res_partner_res_model_id_uniq"
DETAIL: Key (res_model, res_id, partner_id)=(sale.order, 9, 3) already exists.
" while parsing /var/www/erp/odoo/addons/sale/data/sale_demo.xml:17, near

@CiaraCode This error happens in the core sale's module, and in the demo data besides that. Did you really mean to install demo data? Was it a fresh database? It's seems it is corrupted...

I have replaced all files and new database, now it seems to allow me further. But I do have issues with "Unable to install module "component" because an external dependency is not met: No module named cachetools"

Not quite sure what it means by external dependency, and did not find any "cachetools" files in any OCA branches. Would I need to specify a caching mechanism in odoo?

Not quite sure what it means by external dependency, and did not find any "cachetools" files in any OCA branches. Would I need to specify a caching mechanism in odoo?

This is a python egg. It could be pip install cachetools, but it depends how you usually install your python dependencies.

Finally worked! :) For Magento, is $ bzr branch lp:magentoerpconnect/magento-module-oerp6.x-stable magento-module this the latest module available?

Also any other options to install module without bazaar?

Finally worked! :)


For Magento, is $ bzr branch lp:magentoerpconnect/magento-module-oerp6.x-stable magento-module this the latest module available?


Also any other options to install module without bazaar?

Not that I know of. But yeah, this is not convenient.

Could someone be kind enough to upload the module as zip for me? :/ I can even host the file if no one wants to, a magento module is so simple its no reason not to just zip it :p

Should I use https://www.mysite.com/api/v2_soap/?wsdl=1 in "Location" config?

I tried both with V1 and V2 soap api url, but I only get:

"Check your configuration, we can't get the data. Here is the error:

@guewen Check your configuration, we can't get the data. Here is the error:
<Fault 3: 'Invalid api path.'>

Managed to fix! But should "Admin" be a store, store-view and website in odoo?

But should "Admin" be a store, store-view and website in odoo?

IIRC it's the case in Magento too (but perhaps it is hidden on its UI).