GUINEA IPC HEALTH TRAINING DATA MANAGEMENT last updated 2015-09-10 by David Megginson All instructions in this document refer to the shared "Guinea IPC data" dropbox folder. Prerequisite: you must have the HXL scripts from installed and running on your system. Workflow -------- 1. Guinea IPC cluster members upload new copies of their reporting spreadsheets into their dedicated subfolders under Uploads. 2. Validate incoming files and fix any issues. 3. From the root of the shared folder, run the Linux command sh Scripts/ to create a merged dataset in the file Staged/ipc-merged.csv 4. Examine the file ipc-merged.csv for basic sanity (is it at least several hundred rows long? does it have HXL tags at the top?). 5. From the root of the shared folder, run the Linux command sh Scripts/ to create prefecture and subprefecture coverage datasets under Staged/ 6. If all is well, run the Linux command sh Scripts/ to create copies of the merged datasets in the Public/ folder. The new data will be available immediately on HDX. Files and folders ----------------- Inputs/ Master data and other supporting input datasets. Inputs/replacements.csv Automatic replacement table for cleanup. Scripts/ Shell shell script for merging the data into a single HXL CSV file. Scripts/ Shell script for generating prefecture and subprefecture coverage datasets. Scripts/ Shell script that copies the merged data into the Public folder. Scripts/ Shell script to list all new or updated files in Uploads/ (anything newer than the equivalent version under Tagged/) Staged/ Most-recent output of the merged data, before being published to the Public/ folder. After running, look at this first to make sure it's OK before running Public/ Output files that are publicly visible via HDX, generated by the script. Do not rename these files, or else the HDX links will stop working. Uploads/ Root folder for uploading new reports from participating NGOs. There is a folder inside for each of the reporting organisations, and only those subfolders should be shared with them (so that they can't accidentally overwrite each-others' data). Working/ Folder for temporary working copies of HXL files. Everything in this folder can be automatically deleted by the scripts, so don't put anything important here.
Scripts and templates for the Guinea IPC (Infection Prevention and Control) cluster HDX/HXL pilot.