Utilities to map between country and region codes and names and to match administrative level names from different sources. Also utilities for foreign exchange enabling obtaining current and historic FX rates for different currencies
- blackandiii
- brianmcdonaldGlobal Camp Coordination & Camp Management Cluster
- CitrixLab@CitrixLab
- codywallace
- coteseb8787
- edwardpmorris@Cervest
- edx903@geointcn
- fititnt@EticaAI @alligo
- HortonsHelpersShaleShake Technologies
- JamesElliotLondon
- jm-rivera@ONEcampaign
- jrskim7
- killthekitten
- maxmouchet@ipinfo
- microwavenby@ethicalemu
- nigelhughesfairsailcomSage
- photkey
- rgieseke
- rmales
- rt-hamilton
- tobiasgoecke@Supratix @openReactor
- UGA-ITOSHumanitarianGISUniversity of Georgia @ UGA (www.uga.edu)
- yuisekiYuiseki Inc.