- 0-vortex@open-sauced
- catsigma
- cloudheadRadicle
- cwgoesγαλαξίας κύκλος
- dakkSardegna
- dinosaureAround the world ...
- ejgallegoInria
- eminyuceNew York
- erwanorpenumbra labs
- frabrunelle
- jurajselep
- katelynsills
- kayceesrkTarides and IIT Madras
- LGD-FrFrance
- lojikil
- madvagabond
- marcoonroadRio de Janeiro, RJ - Brasil.
- mariuswSalamander Consulting AS
- nadzic
- ndcroos
- noterminusgit
- obulpathiStrawhats
- rauanmayemirAlmaty, Kazakhstan
- RichAyotteCanada
- s-zanellaMicrosoft
- samoht@tarides
- schmijosRenuo AG
- smondetNew York, NY
- tibastralMilesrock
- unixpi
- vietlqUnited Kingdom
- xennygrimmatoGoogle
- xuqzab
- xvw@funkywork, @tarides
- zmanianIqlusioninc