
Demonstrate latest Angular best practices, using ES6 and jspm.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptThe UnlicenseUnlicense

Universal Apple Store Search

This is a fully functional app demonstrating latest best practices in Angular, using ES6 and jspm. The backend is Apple's Search API.

You can see the app in action.

Primary Technologies

  • Transpiles ES6+ automagically using Babel
  • Package management using jspm
  • Develop and build using Gulp and friends

Major Concepts Demonstrated

  • Uses UI Router for state based and nested routing
  • Uses jpsm instead of Bower or npm to manage packages for the browser
  • Uses SystemJS to load modules
  • Sass compilation using LibSass and Autoprefixer
  • Local dev server with LiveReload using Browsersync
  • Define and maintain consistent coding styles between different editors using EditorConfig
  • Linting with ESLint
  • Gulp tasks are written using ES6, of course.
  • Multiple serve modes to facilitate development speed or simulate production environment.
  • Per environment setting determined at build time.


  1. Fork and clone this repo from https://github.com/gsong/apple-store-search.git.
  2. Make sure you have node installed on your machine. nvm is highly recommended.
  3. Install Gulp and jspm globally: npm install -g gulp jspm.
  4. npm install then jspm install to instal development and browser packages.
  5. Run gulp to start the local dev server.
  6. Make your own enhancements! 😀

Building and Publishing

  1. Run gulp dist to build the app for distribution in the /dist folder.
  2. Run gulp publish to publish the app on gh-pages branch.


Use gulper if you want to automatically reload the Gulp runtime whenever you change Gulp task files. This is especially nice if you're customizing the task files to fit your own workflow. Otherwise you would have to constantly restart gulp.


  1. Pick something from TODO to work on.
  2. If there's a problem, please file a new issue, or better yet, submit a pull request!

No rights reserved. Made with 🐣 by George Song.