
Primary LanguageSystemVerilogMIT LicenseMIT

OFS Common Directory

This directory contains resources that may be used across the board-specific repositories contained in the directory above.

A symbolic link to this directory exists within each of the development repositories so that directory traversal outside of the board-specific repository is not required.

Contained in this directory are the following:


Scripts (scripts)

  • Contains:
    • Simulation scripts required to set up file lists for IP and subsystems contained in the board-specific repo. (common/sim)
  • Simulation Script README Contains the setup and execution instructions for running the simulation scripts. - Synthesis scripts that run the complete FPGA synthesis and post-processing flow. (common/syn)
  • Synthesis Script README Contains the setup and execution instructions for running the synthesis flow. - FPGA family-specific scripts. (fpga_family) - This directory will contain any scripts that are specific to an FPGA family, but not necessarily a specific board. - For example, for scripts common to the Agilex FPGA family, they will be contained in fpga_family/agilex.

Source Code (src)

  • This directory contains source code that may be used across different board-specific repositories.

Common Device-Independent Source Code (src/common)

  • Source code contained in this directory may be used in designs without regard to the FPGA device or board used.
  • Contained here are:
    • AFU Top-level code (src/common/afu_top): Supporting blocks for management of the Accelerated Functional Unit (AFU).
    • Copy Engine (src/common/copy_engine): Documentation and code in support of the Copy Engine including the top-level, Control and Status Registers (CSRs), and AXI Bus interfaces.
    • Function-Level Reset (FLR) (src/common/flr): Contained here is the code and supporting Tcl script to enable the use of PCIe FLR.
    • FPGA Management Engine (FME) (src/common/fme): Supporting data structures, CSR definitions, and RTL for AXI Bus interface.
    • FME Identification ROM (src/common/fme_id_rom): ROM containing identification information for driver and host software.
    • Host Exerciser (HE) High-Speed Serial Interface (HSSI) (src/common/he_hssi): This directory contains a variety of code and supporting resources related to the Ethernet interface and the host exerciser logic associated with it.
    • Host Exerciser (HE) Loopback (LB) (src/common/he_lb): The Host Exerciser Loopback AFU is a traffic generator that can be attached both to host memory, often over PCIe, and to local memory, such as board-attached DDR. It can test the correctness and throughput of memory channels.
  • Host Exerciser Loopback README Thorough description of the Host Exerciser and its subdirectories. - Host Exerciser (HE) Null (src/common/he_null): The Host Exercisor Null is a very basic "null" termination block for the AFU. - Includes Directory (src/common/includes): This directory contains a variety of common packages, interfaces, and defines that are used throughout the FIM design. - MSIX Interrupts (src/common/interrupt): Code supporting the MSIX interrupt implementation in the FIM is located in this directory. - Library of Basic Components (src/common/lib): This directory contains a number of basic components that are used throughout the FIM like AXI Interfaces, FIFOs, MUXs, RAM blocks, and clock domain-crossing synchronizers. - DDR4 Memory Test-Pattern Generator (TG) (src/common/mem_tg): This is the test-pattern generator used with a number of example DDR4 example designs. This code is functionally the same and has an interface that is compatible with the FIM. - Port Gasket (src/common/port_gasket): Contains the Port Gasket supporting logic and resources like the User Clock block to provide the logic joining the AFU to the rest of the FIM. - Protocol Checker (src/common/protocol_checker): PCIe protocol checking is done by this logic to prevent fatal and catastrophic errors from occurring between the host, PCIe IP core on the FPGA, and the FIM logic. - Remote SignalTap Protocol (STP) (src/common/remote_stop): FPGA on-chip debugging is enable with this logic which implements the foundation required to implement a remotely-accessible SignalTap instance in the FIM. - Streaming-to-Memory-Mapped Bus Translation (src/common/st2mm): This directory contains the code required to convert the high-level AXI Streaming bus from the PCIe Subsystem to an AXI4-Lite memory-mapped bus and back again. - Time-of-Day (ToD) Timing Synchronization Logic (src/common/tod): IP and top-level Platform Designer/Qsys files are located in this directory for the ToD implementation in the FIM.

FPGA Device Family-Specific Source Code (src/fpga_family)

  • Contains the scripts, source code, and IP that is specific to an FPGA device family, but not necessarity to any specific board or implementation.
  • Currently, this repository contains specific support for the following FPGA device families:
    • Intel Stratix 10
    • Intel Agilex
  • Please examine the directory trees to see a list of the device-specific blocks that are available for use in the FIM design.