
Primary LanguageC#


Simple tool to pack|unpack thm files into json format

Command line arguments:

-unpack - unpack mode, that is default work mode. Will unpack all files by mask *.thm

-cop2soc - work only in -unpack mode, will convert COP format to SHOC on fly

-pack - pack mode. Will pack all files by mask *.thm.json

-overwrite - work only in -pack mode, will override existing thm files

-source <path> - set working directory, default: current directory

-m <0|1> - format for flag values in json. 0 - use actual values (default mode), 1 - use names

To unpack all *.thm to json format in current directory:

ThmTool.exe -unpack

To pack all *.thm.json to thm format in current directory:

ThmTool.exe -pack