Error during LoadEventTables

avtaylor opened this issue · 2 comments

This is using the instructions for loading the Synthea ETL to OMOP using R: https://ohdsi.github.io/ETL-Synthea/index.html

I get several errors related to primary keys. The first is for the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table.
When I run the ETL logic - the SQl that fails gets saved in the error log file - indeed I see several records that are the same - so maybe a group by is missing?
However, because I am not re-building the whole code I opted for dropping pk constraints, upload the data, then clean the tables, then add back the pks? What is the solution?

A related question is what is the impact of not having the pk contraints on the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table and other tables?
Would this affect the way the WebApi will access data and also the ATLAS dashboards?

I am asking this because I managed to upload synthea and I connected the sources with the WebAPI but on ATLAS I get no data being pulled from the DB or displayed. What could be the reasons?

Can you please share the error log? Could you also please share the commands you are using to generate the Synthea data?

Closing! @avtaylor please reopen and more detail (commands and error log) if the issue persists.