Google Cloud Configuration Instructions
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Is there a Readme for configuring the google cloud projects and datasets to run the ETL? I am getting the following error:
"BigQuery error in query operation: Error processing job 'mimic-omop:bqjob_r433fa0779e4406df_000001776a2fcc2e_1': Not found: Table mimic-omop:mimic_full_cdm.src_transfers was not found in
location US".
I am not sure if this is relating to a configuration issue on my end or if the script was supposed to create the src_transfers table first.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you for your time.
Hi Matthew (@ruppert20), apologies for not getting back to you earlier. The project is not yet completely finalized and the documentation for the ETL is still not uploaded here. The MIMIC tables that the ETL starts from all receive a 'src_' prefix for the current ETL logic to run. Then the data and mappings are loaded into lookup tables before the actual transfer and load logic creates OMOP CDM data from them. Please bear with us a little longer while we are trying to close and finalize this project.
Hi @ruppert20 m, as Tomer has pointed out in #11 there is a possibility that this also has to do with the location setting. We should try to make this more international so that you can control the GCP location setting in the configuration file. Other than that, stay tuned for more documentation here.