Rstudio server Error occurred during transmission

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi @JamesSWiggins,

Yesterday I launched CF template (Private Network Only Environment) correctly in eu-west-1 region

I can log in Rstudio, but then get a message: "Error occurred during transmission".

Additionally, when intent connect to Atlas firt time i get a message "Maximum login attempts is reached. Please, try again in XXXX seconds". Jupyter directly send me error 502 Bad Gateway. Are these error related with RStudio?

Hi @anelkas. Sorry you ran into issues. The error with Jupyter may possibly be related, but not Atlas. Could you reach out to me via e-mail so that we can dig a little deeper?

Hi @JamesSWiggins,

Nice to meet you! I will reach you out by email and explain the issue in more detail.

Thanks in advance

Same problem here, but simple renaming of config file does not help

@kemin711 Sorry you’re having trouble. I reached out the the email in your profile. Hopefully we can connect and dig deeper. This may have to do with the configuration of the VPC you deployed into.