
BUG (Med Priority): Leftmost Column Recognition

Zwky26 opened this issue · 6 comments

SQL Functions fail to recognize the leftmost column of a table


Renaming "primary_code" to "p_code" does not resolve issue. Swapping the position of the two columns in the csv reveals that it is not recognizing the leftmost column name

Error occurs for tables, seemingly regardless of how many total columns there are (1-20 columns) BUT this issue does not occur for user-created Views.

@Zwky26 Could you please share csv file?

Here is a generic csv that I used. I have experimented with different column names, number of columns, and number of rows- the error seems to persist with any csv I try


Hi @Zwky26,

Looks like it is encoding issue, file has UTF8 with BOM that's why it has U+FEFF BYTE ORDER MARK at the start of a text stream.

I will add fix, before that you can use UTF8 without BOM or visual type of SQL function.


@Zwky26 item was done. please check it out

Tested and approved