
Automatically build Perseus Docker container images and push to Docker Hub when code changes in GitHub

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Automatically build Perseus Docker container images and push them to Docker Hub when code changes are pushed to the OHDSI Perseus github repo. Tag the Docker image with a version number.

Benefits of this change:

  • It will ensure that we always have the latest Perseus Docker images in Docker Hub.
  • It is much faster to deploy Perseus using pre-built Docker Hub images instead of building them locally

One way to accomplish this is to develop GitHub Actions

We have created Docker Hub repositories.

But we don't use automatic builds because we have mono repository.
Any small updated in any part was triggering a build of all micro services.
So we switched to manual run of builds.
Anyway all builds also push images to Docker Hub from now on.
We use Azure DevOps tools for CI/CD instead of GitHub Actions.

Docker compose file also updated to work with Docker Hub images.

ssamus commented
