
Data and code for Effect of Impact Factor and Discipline on Journal Data Sharing Policies, Accountability in Research, DOI: 10.1080/08989621.2019.1591277

Effect of Impact Factor and Discipline on Journal Data Sharing Policies

Data and code for manuscript:

David B Resnik, Melissa Morales, Rachel Landrum, Min Shi, Jessica Minnier, Nicole A. Vasilevsky & Robin E. Champieux (2019) Effect of Impact Factor and Discipline on Journal Data Sharing Policies, Accountability in Research, DOI: 10.1080/08989621.2019.1591277

Zenodo pre-print DOI: DOI

Data collection utilized three sources:

  • 2016 InCites Journal Citations Report
  • Directory of Open Access Journal
  • Journal websites and author guidelines

The data was collected and analyzed between May 2018 and October 2018.

Data and Code

Data can be found in data/if-discipline-datasharing-policy-rawdata-1.0.0.csv.

Analysis code for tables and figures can be seen in code/analysis_report.md (author of code: Jessica Minnier, OHSU, @jminnier)

This repository is archived in Zenodo: DOI