
A collection of public APIs

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A collection of public APIs maintained by the OI Wiki Team.


Clone the repository

npm install 

For development:

npm run dev

To start:

npm run start

To debug in visual studio code:

npm run debug

Then run the launch.json configuration inside visual studio code f5. You should now be able to set breakpoints in your typescript.


npm run test

Test Watch

npm run test:watch

Build to ./dist

npm run build

Browse to http://localhost:3000

Folder structure

|-- Dockerfile 
|-- README.md 
|-- package.json
|-- spec
|   -- index.spec.ts
|-- src
|   |-- config
|   |   -- config.ts
|   |   -- express.ts
|   |-- controllers
|   |   -- index.server.controller.ts
|   |-- index.ts
|   |-- public
|   |   -- stylesheets
|   |       -- style.css
|   |-- routes
|   |   -- index.server.route.ts
|   |-- tsconfig.json
|   -- views
|       -- error.jade
|       -- index.jade
|       -- layout.jade
-- tsconfig.json


Build the image sudo docker build -t xxx/xxx .

Run the image docker-compose up

Open http://localhost:8080
