
:owl: Lightweight OGM for Neo4j which support transactions and BOLT protocol.

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A Lightweight and simple object graph mapper (OGM) for Neo4j which support transactions and BOLT protocol.

📦 Installation

NeoClient is available on NuGet.

dotnet add package NeoClient


  • NeoClient: Neo4j Movies Example Application - Asp.net WebApi Version

🚀 Usage

Creating Database Connection

Optional you can pass authentication credential via the constructor.

INeoClient client = new NeoClient(
    uri: "bolt://localhost:7687", 
    userName: "user", //optional
    password: "password", //optional
    config: Config.Builder //optional
    strip_hyphens: true //optional, default is false

For example, if you were using any IoC container, you could register the client like so:

container.Register<INeoClient>((c, p) =>
    INeoClient client = new NeoClient(
        uri: "bolt://localhost:7687", 
    return client;

User Node Model

 public class User : EntityBase
     public User() : base(label: "User") { }
     public string FirstName { get; set; }
     public string LastName { get; set; }
     public string Email { get; set; }

Creating a Node

User entity = client.Add(new User { Email = "kir.oktay@gmail.com", FirstName = "Oktay", LastName = "Kir" });

Adding a Label to a Node

bool result = client.AddLabel(
    uuid: "01a68df3-cc35-4eb0-a199-0d924da86eab",
    labelName: @"LabelName"

Retrieving a Node by Id

User node = client.GetByUuidWithRelatedNodes<User>("01a68df3-cc35-4eb0-a199-0d924da86eab");

Retrieving All Nodes

IList<User> nodes = client.GetAll<User>();

Retrieving Nodes by Single Property

IList<User> nodes = client.GetByProperty<User>("Email", "kir.oktay@gmail.com");

Retrieving Nodes by Multiple Properties

var properties = new Dictionary<string, object>(){
	{ nameof(User.Name), "keanu"},

IList<User> nodes = client.GetByProperties<User>(properties);

Updating a Node

User updatedNode = client.Update(
    entity: node,
    uuid: "01a68df3-cc35-4eb0-a199-0d924da86eab",
    fetchResult: true //optional, default is false

Deleting a Node (Soft Delete)

User node = client.Delete<User>("01a68df3-cc35-4eb0-a199-0d924da86eab");

Dropping a Node by Id

bool result = client.Drop<User>("01a68df3-cc35-4eb0-a199-0d924da86eab");

Drop Nodes by Properties

int nodesDeleted = client.DropByProperties<User>(
    props: new Dictionary<string, object>(){
        { nameof(User.Name), "keanu"},

Create a Relationship Between Certain Two Nodes

bool isCreated = client.CreateRelationship(
    uuidFrom: "2ac55031-3089-453a-a858-e1a9a8b68a16",
    uuidTo: "ac43523a-a15e-4d25-876e-e2a2cc4de125",
    relationshipAttribute: new RelationshipAttribute{
        Direction = DIRECTION.INCOMING,
        Name = "FAMILY"
    props: new Dictionary<string, object>(){ //optional
        {"CreatedAt", DateTime.UtcNow},
        {"Kinship_Level", 1},
	    {"Name", "FakeName"}

Dropping a Relationship Between Certain Two Nodes

bool result = client.DropRelationshipBetweenTwoNodes(
    uuidFrom: "2ac55031-3089-453a-a858-e1a9a8b68a16",
    uuidTo: "ac43523a-a15e-4d25-876e-e2a2cc4de125",
    relationshipAttribute: node.GetRelationshipAttributes(ep => ep.roles).FirstOrDefault()

Merge Nodes

Creating a node with its properties on creation time. If the nodes had already been found, different multiple properties would have been set.

User node = client.Merge(
    entityOnCreate: new User(){ name = "keanu"; createdAt = DateTime.UtcNow.ToTimeStamp(); },
    entityOnUpdate: new User(){ name = "keanu"; updatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow.ToTimeStamp(); },
    where: "name:\"keanu\""

Merge Relationships

bool result = client.MergeRelationship(
    uuidFrom: "2ac55031-3089-453a-a858-e1a9a8b68a16",
    uuidTo: "ac43523a-a15e-4d25-876e-e2a2cc4de125",
    relationshipAttribute: node.GetRelationshipAttributes(ep => ep.roles).FirstOrDefault()

Running Custom Cypher Query

Example 1:

string cypherCreateQuery = @"CREATE (Neo:Crew {name:'Neo'}), 
    (Morpheus:Crew {name: 'Morpheus'}), 
    (Trinity:Crew {name: 'Trinity'}), 
    (Cypher:Crew:Matrix {name: 'Cypher'}), 
    (Smith:Matrix {name: 'Agent Smith'}), 
    (Architect:Matrix {name:'The Architect'}),

IStatementResult result = client.RunCustomQuery(query: cypherQuery);

string cypherQuery = @"MATCH (n:Crew)-[r:KNOWS*]-(m) WHERE n.name='Neo' RETURN n AS Neo,r,m";

IStatementResult queryResult = client.RunCustomQuery(query: cypherQuery);
IList<object> result = queryResult.GetValues();

Example 2:

string cypherQuery = @"MATCH (n:User) RETURN n";

IList<User> result = client.RunCustomQuery<User>(query: cypherQuery);

Integration Tests

NeoClient has several tests that verify that its ability to use the system it integrates with correctly.

There's a docker-compose file and you can use the following command to launch Neo4j container for running the integration tests.

$ docker-compose up -d


To Do

  • Nuget package
  • Integration Tests
  • Creating example projects
  • Supporting more functionalities

🤝 Contributing

  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/OKTAYKIR/NeoClient/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request

✨ Contributors

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📝 License

MIT license