
This repo is for RS School task "ciphering cli tool".

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Ciphering CLI tool

CLI tool that encodes and decode a text by 3 substitution ciphers

Ciphering CLI tool

This tool uses the next ciphers:

  1. Ceasar (shift 1)
  2. Atbash
  3. ROT-8

To launch ciphering CLI tool you need:

  1. fork this repository
  2. clone it to your PC
  3. download node.js
  4. using terminal start index.js with node


Usage: node index.js [options]


-c, --config    mandatory option for passing ciphers configuration
-i, --input     path to input file (optional)
-o, --output    path to output file (optional)

There is only one mandatory option, which you need to pass in CLI. It is "-c or "--config". Without this option, you will receive an error.

Acceptable configs for ciphers:

  1. Ceasar encode "C1"
  2. Ceasar decode "C0"
  3. Atbash encode and decode "A"
  4. ROT-8 encode "R1"
  5. ROT-8 decode "R0"

All cipher configs should be split by dash "-".

Cipher Config Examples

"R1-R0-A-R0-C1" "C1-C0-A-R1-R0-A-R0-R0-C1-A"

Other options

If you pass "-i" or "--input" option and file name with a message for encoding, the tool will read this file to get input information. Otherwise, the tool will ask you to enter a message for encoding from the standard input.

If you pass "-o" or "--output" option and file name, the tool will append encoded information into the specified file. Otherwise, the tool will print your encoded message to the standard output.

Usage example:

$ node index.js -c "C1-C1-R0-A" -i "./input.txt" -o "./output.txt"
$ node index.js -c "C1-C0-A-R1-R0-A-R0-R0-C1-A" -i "./input.txt" -o "./output.txt"
$ node index.js -c "A-A-A-R1-R0-R0-R0-C1-C1-A"
$ node index.js -c "C1" -i "./input.txt"