Career Coaching by Olga Pokrovskaya Its a site about my career coaching. I have been working in coaching field all my professional life; The idea was to create career coaching site to make my services more visiblIe for the community. I help minorities free of charge. At this time the whole idea of career coaching is not known well enough and I think this site will help to promote this initiative. During the work I used html, css and javascript. To meet the requirements I used:
- CSS Flexbox main/starshine.css - You can see how 2 columns become one when sqweezing;
- CSS pseudo classes (nth) table/table.css;
- Javascipt: used hide and show function: table.js
- used several media queries for different screen sizes: starshine.css. When sweezing to mobile size, the color changes. File: starshine.css.
Next steps:
- create html responsive form, so that customers can order session: order/order.html
- write a text that can attract clients
- create testimonials/reviews forms for clients in html
- generate a win session function, so the customers can win free session on a certain click