Fastly Entrypoint in Rust

Fastly CLI

Make sure that you have the fastly cli installed and configured with the fastly token.

To serve it locally, run

fastly compute serve

or to deploy it, run

fastly compute build
fastly compute deploy

You can remove or update the service_id in fastly.toml if you wish to deploy it to a different C@E service

Unit Tests

The --nocapture flag shows the println!() outputs in the test results.

cargo test -- --nocapture

Url Transformation

The URL transformation rule handles redirects and rewrites defined by the user. These configs are stored in the fastly KV store.

The rules structure has two parts, simple_rules and regexes

A rule is a redirect if it has a permanent field value. Otherwise, it is a rewrite.

Local KV

Inside fastly.toml the local-server block has been modified to include a mock KV that serves redirects from local


cargo fmt --all


Logs are sent to an opensearch collection within the thgvega stack in eu-west-1. They can be viewed via the aws dashboard.