QSSTV Main Branch Testing Feedback

Opened this issue · 11 comments

vk6mo commented

Environment: LM21.1
QSSTV: CLI build from main branch, labelled as 9.5.11
Done some testing on code.
Main finding is SSTV decodes fine, but DRM (either standard or hybrid) does not decode correctly.
MSC indicator cycles between red, yellow green.
Reverting to 9.5.8 decodes successfully. Back to 9.5.11 does not decode.
Any more info I can provide?
More results of testing to come ...

pa2eon commented

Dear Dave,
I have found the version 9.5.8 .. I will check the difference.
If you want to help use the tool ' Kompare' (sudo apt-get install kompare)
That is an easy to use tool to compare the files .. then you see direct the differences.

vk6mo commented
vk6mo commented
pa2eon commented

Dear All,
I have rewritten the 'old' code version 9.5.8 to use within the QT6 creator (Vs. 6.2.4 ).
But the analogue SSTV signals will decode but the DRM signals are strong but not decoded correct.
The 'Time', 'Frame', 'FAC' will be green most, but the 'MSC' is most of time yellow.

Any idea where to find this 'bug' in the code ?

vy' 73, Eric

vk6mo commented
dl8dtl commented

Well, if you can spot any possible reason, that would be great.
Is it already sure that it's the decoder that fails? I.e., passing the same audio sample into the old version works, while it fails in the current code?

pa2eon commented
vk6mo commented
vk6mo commented

Is it possible that I can get the same audio sample .. to find out the problem ..

I have two audio samples (two pictures sent via DRM standard mode). Whoever wants a copy, please let me know your email. I will transfer via pCloud (no signup for me or you). Files are approx 20MB, 40MB. You will receive an email with link to download.
Note the files replay faster than real time - not sure why that is....

pa2eon commented
vk6mo commented

Looks like GitHub removed your email address ..
From your website it appears that it is pa2eon at amsat dot org
(spelt out so hopefully github won't edit). Correct?