Power Options + NoNpDrm Games Installer all together in one app!.
This simple app was made for the users who wanted to have all the options mentioned above in the same vpk.
- Add Export Multimedia file : mp3, mp4, jpg, png (file must be in "ux0:Multimedia").
- Add an batterie indicator.
- New PIC0 and backgroung.
- New ressources thanks to Chronoss.
Changes thanks to Chronoss:
- Add Reload Config.txt.
- Add Conexion USB.
- New resources.
With Easy Power Refresh you'll get the next options in an easy to use menu:
- Restart PSVita -> This option will restart the console.
- Shutdown PSVita -> This option will turn off the console.
- Update DB -> This option will update your games DB (you will not lose the bubbles layout in the livearea).
- Reload Config.txt -> This option will reload the config.txt file in "ux0:tai" folder.
- USB -> This option let you connect your PSVita on PC in USB mode like VitaShell.
- Export Multimedia Files -> This option will export multimedia from "ux0:Multimedia" folder to Music/Picture or Video app
- NoNpDrm Games -> This option will search for non installed games in NoNpDrm format and install them (based on vitashell's Livearea Refresh).
- Exit -> To exit the application
To be able to use option "NoNpDrm Games" you must have correctly installed the (NoNpDrm) by TheFloW!
Please feel free to report any issue or bugs.
TheFloW for the NoNpDrm plugin and the Vitashell Livearea Refresh option.