
Resources for ABM Custom Bubble Injection

Resources for ABM Custom Bubble Injection

To share resources (images)

If you want to share your resources and upload them so anyone can be able to use them, create an upload request that contains the nedeed information as the example below:

"id": "ALADDIN", 
"title": "Aladdin - Nasira's Revenge",
"version": "1.00",
"author": "Quasinconsistent",
"manual": "yes"
  • ID : (Up to 10 alphanumeric digits in capital letters).
  • Title : The corresponding game title.
  • Version : Resources versión (1.00, 2.00, 3.00, etc).
  • Author : Either your name or nick.
  • Manual : true. (Add this field to true, if you are going to share the Manual folder with the images: 001.png, 002.png, 003.png 960x544)


  1. Images have to be inside a folder inside a ZIP file.
  2. The name of the folder inside your ZIP and the ZIP file must match the ID of your upload and name of the preview image.
  3. The resources in the folder inside the ZIP file must be in the following sizes :
  • icon0.png 128x128
  • startup.png 280x158 (max)
  • pic0.png 960x544
  • bg0.png 840x500
  • boot.png 480*272
  • template.xml
  • Manual (Folder) Inside 001.png, 002.png (960*544)
  1. For the preview, you can upload an image named ID.jpg (together with the ZIP file), using icon0.png (convert to .jpg) for this is highly recomended.
  • ID.jpg 128x128

NOTE: For Example "id": "ALADDIN", then aladdin.jpg


Onelua Team should not be held responsible for the images shared un this repo, since the rights for each image belongs to the owner/creator.


Thanks to Quasinconsistent for sharing his resources.
Thanks to Jeffry Avila for sharing his resources.
Thanks to Samir2298 for sharing his resources.
Thanks to libardomm for sharing his resources.
Thanks to Ultrameyda for sharing his resources.
Thanks to Belickade for sharing his resources.
Thanks to Takuhii for sharing his resources.
Thanks to Gaardus for sharing his resources.
Thanks to capSilver for sharing his resources.
Thanks to MoonshineIndustries for sharing his resources.
Thanks to Swervito for sharing his resources.
Thanks to Rockstock7 for sharing his resources.
Thanks to GAD__Alexander for sharing his resources.


In case you want to support the work of the team on the vita, you can always donate for some coffee. Any amount is highly appreciated:
