
Microservice to support the Census Respondent Home UI

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Respondent Home Data Service

This repository contains the Respondent Data service. This microservice is a RESTful web service implemented using Spring Boot. It manages respondent data, where a Respondent Data object represents an expected response from the Respondent Data service, which provides all the data that is required by Respondent Home in order for it to verify the respondent's UAC code and connect them to the relevant EQ questionnaire.

Set Up

Do the following steps to set up the code to run locally:

NB. For more detailed information about any of the above steps please see the following confluence article: https://collaborate2.ons.gov.uk/confluence/display/SDC/How+to+Set+Up+a+Mac+for+Census+Integration+Development+Work

Do the following steps to set up the Application Default Credential (see the next section to understand what this is used for):

  • Install the Google SDK locally
  • Create a Google Cloud Platform project
  • Open the Google Cloud Platform console, which can be found at the following location: https://console.cloud.google.com/getting-started?pli=1
  • In the left hand panel choose 'APIs & Services' > 'Credentials'
  • Use the following instructions to set up a service account and create an environment variable: https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/getting-started NB. The instructions will lead to a .json file being downloaded, which can be used for setting up credentials. You should move this to a suitable location for pointing your code at.
  • To set up the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable you will need to point to the .json file using a command similar to this:
  • export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="/users/ellacook/Documents/census-int-code/.json"
  • Once that is done then you can use the following command to tell your applications to use those credentials as your application default credentials:
  • gcloud auth application-default login *NB. Running the above command will first prompt you to hit 'Y' to continue and will then open up the Google Login page, where you need to select your login account and then click 'Allow'.
  • It should then open Google Cloud with the following message displayed: You are now authenticated with the Google Cloud SDK!

NB. For more detailed information about setting up the Application Default Credential please see the following confluence article: https://collaborate2.ons.gov.uk/confluence/display/SDC/How+to+Set+Up+Google+Cloud+Platform+Locally

Finally, create an environment variable to hold the name of your Google Cloud Platform project, using the export command at the terminal (in your census-rh-service repo): export GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT="" e.g. export GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT="census-rh-ellacook1"


There are two ways of running this service

  • The first way is from the command line after moving into the same directory as the pom.xml:
    mvn clean install
    mvn spring-boot:run
  • The second way requires that you first create a JAR file using the following mvn command (after moving into the same directory as the pom.xml):
    mvn clean package

This will create the JAR file in the Target directory. You can then right-click on the JAR file (in Intellij) and choose 'Run'.

In order to run the Rabbitmq service, so that you can publish CaseCreated, CaseUpdated, and UACUpdated, messages for this census-rh-service to receive and store in Google CLoud Platform, enter the following command (from the same directory as the docker-compose.yml): bash docker-compose up -d Messages that are published to the events exchange will be routed to either the Case.Gateway or UAC.Gateway queue (depending on their binding). They will then be received by census-rh-service and stored in either the case_schema or the uac_schema (as appropriate) of the relevant Google Firestore datastore. The project to use is given by the Application Default Credentials (These are the credential associated with the service account that your app engine app runs as - to set these up please follow the steps given in the previous section).


When running on localhost the Rabbitmq management console should be found at the following endpoint:


RH service uses a Firestore datastore. If running locally you'll need to create this for your GCP account. When you go into the 'Firestore' section let it create a database for you in 'Native' mode.

Firestore contention

Firestore will throw a contention exception when overloaded, with the expectation that the application will retry with an exponential backoff. See this page for details: https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/request-rate

CR-555 added datastore backoff support to RH service. It uses Spring @Retryable annotation in RespondentDataRepositoryImpl to do an exponential backoff for DataStoreContentionException exceptions. If the maximum number of retries is used without success then the 'doRecover' method throws the failing exception, which will then use the standard Rabbit retry mechanism to try again.

This combination of an explicit backoff handling followed by the RabbitMQ retries may appear to be the same as just using Rabbit retries. However, the key difference is that we are expecting to get Firestore contention exceptions whereas the standard Rabbit retries are set for unexpected problems.

The explicit handling of contention exceptions has some advantages over increasing the level of Rabbit retries:

  • Keeps log files clean when contention is happening, as an exception is only logged once both layers of retries have been exhausted.
  • Easy analysis on the quantity of contention, as a custom retry listener does a single line log entry on completion of the retries.
  • Allows large number of retries for only the expected contention. Any other issue will only have the standard 3 or so retries.
  • Google state that contention can happen on reads too. If we were to get this during load testing then it's easy to apply the proven retryable annotation to read methods.

Contention logging

The logging for different contention circumstances is as follows.

No contention

Logging will show the arrival of the case/uac but there is no further logging if successful.

Initial contention and then success

A warning is logged when the object is finally stored:

2019-12-11 08:45:32.258  INFO  50306 --- [enerContainer-1] u.g.o.c.i.r.e.i.CaseEventReceiverImpl    : Entering acceptCaseEvent
2019-12-11 08:45:44.713  WARN  50087 --- [enerContainer-1] u.g.o.c.i.r.r.impl.CustomRetryListener   : writeCollectionCase: Transaction successful after 19 attempts

There is no logging of the contention exceptions or for each retry.

Continual contention with retries exhausted

If attempts to store the object result in continued contention and all retries are used then this is also logged as a warning.

2019-12-11 09:16:35.362  INFO  50306 --- [enerContainer-1] u.g.o.c.i.r.e.i.CaseEventReceiverImpl    : Entering acceptCaseEvent
2019-12-11 09:18:12.336  WARN  50306 --- [enerContainer-1] u.g.o.c.i.r.r.impl.CustomRetryListener   : writeCollectionCase: Transaction failed after 30 attempts

If the Rabbit retries are exhausted then the root cause exception is logged:

2019-12-11 09:21:26.277  WARN  50306 --- [enerContainer-1] o.s.a.r.r.RejectAndDontRequeueRecoverer  : Retries exhausted for message (Body:....
org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.listener.exception.ListenerExecutionFailedException: Listener threw exception
at org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.listener.AbstractMessageListenerContainer.wrapToListenerExecutionFailedExceptionIfNeeded(AbstractMessageListenerContainer.java:1603)
2019-12-11 09:21:26.282  WARN  50306 --- [enerContainer-1] s.a.r.l.ConditionalRejectingErrorHandler : Execution of Rabbit message listener failed.
org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.listener.exception.ListenerExecutionFailedException: Retry Policy Exhausted
at org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.retry.RejectAndDontRequeueRecoverer.recover(RejectAndDontRequeueRecoverer.java:45)

Contention backoff times

The retry of Firestore puts is controlled by the following properties:

backoffInitial Is the number of milliseconds that the initial backoff will wait for.

backoffMultiplier This controls the increase in the wait time for each subsequent failure and retry.

backoffMax Is the maximum amount of time that we want to wait before retrying.

backoffMaxAttempts This limits the number of times we are going to attempt the opertation before throwing an exception.

The default values for these properties has been set to give a very slow rate escalation. This should mean that the number of successful Firestore transactions is just a fraction below the actual maximum possible rate. The shallow escalation also means that we will try many times, and combined with a relatively high maximum wait, will mean that we should hopefully never see a transaction (which is failing due to contention) going back to Rabbit.

Under extreme contention RH should slow down to the extent that each RH thread is only doing one Firestore add per minute. This should mean that RH is submitting requests 100's of times slower than Firestore can handle.

Contention backoff times

To help tune the contention backoff configuration (see 'cloudStorage' section of application properties) here is a noddy program to help:

public class RetryTimes {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    long nextWaitTime = 100;
    double multiplier = 1.20;
    long maxWaitTime = 26000;

    int iterations = 0;
    long totalWaitTime = 0;

    System.out.println("iter wait   total");

    while (nextWaitTime < maxWaitTime) {
      totalWaitTime += nextWaitTime;
      System.out.printf("%2d %,6d %,6d\n", iterations, nextWaitTime, totalWaitTime);
      nextWaitTime = (long) (nextWaitTime * multiplier);

This helps show the backoff time escalation and the maximum run time for a transaction:

iter wait   total
 1    100    100
 2    120    220
 3    144    364
 4    172    536
 5    206    742
 6    247    989
 7    296  1,285
 8    355  1,640
 9    426  2,066
10    511  2,577
11    613  3,190
12    735  3,925
13    882  4,807
14  1,058  5,865
15  1,269  7,134
16  1,522  8,656
17  1,826 10,482
18  2,191 12,673
19  2,629 15,302
20  3,154 18,456
21  3,784 22,240
22  4,540 26,780
23  5,448 32,228
24  6,537 38,765
25  7,844 46,609
26  9,412 56,021
27 11,294 67,315
28 13,552 80,867

Manual testing

To manually test RH:

  1. Queue setup

In the RabbitMQ console make sure that the following queues have been created and bound:

  Exchange  |  Routing key                    | Destination queue
   events   |  event.case.update              | case.rh.case
   events   |  event.uac.update               | case.rh.uac
   events   |  event.response.authentication  | event.response.authentication
   events   |  event.website.feedback         | website.feedback
   events   |  event.case.address.update      | event.case.address.update
   events   |  event.questionnaire.update     | event.questionnaire.update

The following dead letter queues should be configured:

  Exchange                      | Routing key                    | Destination queue
   events.deadletter.exchange   | event.case.update              | case.rh.case.dlq
   events.deadletter.exchange   | event.uac.update               | case.rh.uac.dlq
  1. UAC Data

Submit the UAC data (see UAC.java) by sending the following to the 'events' exchange with the routing key 'event.uac.update':

  "event": {
    "type": "UAC_UPDATED",
    "source": "CASE_SERVICE",
    "channel": "RM",
    "dateTime": "2011-08-12T20:17:46.384Z",
    "transactionId": "c45de4dc-3c3b-11e9-b210-d663bd873d93"
  "payload": {
    "uac": {
      "uacHash": "8a9d5db4bbee34fd16e40aa2aaae52cfbdf1842559023614c30edb480ec252b4",
      "active": true,
      "questionnaireId": "1110000009",
      "caseType": "HH",
      "region": "E",
      "caseId": "dc4477d1-dd3f-4c69-b181-7ff725dc9fa4",
      "collectionExerciseId": "a66de4dc-3c3b-11e9-b210-d663bd873d93",
      "formType": "H"
  1. Case data

Submit the case (see CollectionCase.java) by sending the following to the 'events' exchange with the routing key 'event.case.lifecycle':

  "event": {
    "type": "CASE_UPDATED",
    "source": "CASE_SERVICE",
    "channel": "RM",
    "dateTime": "2011-08-12T20:17:46.384Z",
    "transactionId": "c45de4dc-3c3b-11e9-b210-d663bd873d93"
  "payload": {
    "collectionCase": {
      "id": "dc4477d1-dd3f-4c69-b181-7ff725dc9fa4",
      "caseRef": "10000000010",
      "caseType": "HH",
      "survey": "CENSUS",
      "collectionExerciseId": "a66de4dc-3c3b-11e9-b210-d663bd873d93",
      "address": {
        "addressLine1": "1 main street",
        "addressLine2": "upper upperingham",
        "addressLine3": "",
        "townName": "upton",
        "postcode": "UP103UP",
        "region": "E",
        "latitude": "50.863849",
        "longitude": "-1.229710",
        "uprn": "123456",
        "arid": "XXXXX",
        "addressType": "HH",
        "estabType": "XXX"
      "contact": {
        "title": "Ms",
        "forename": "jo",
        "surname": "smith",
        "email": "me@example.com",
        "telNo": "+447890000000"
      "actionableFrom": "2011-08-12T20:17:46.384Z",
      "handDelivery": "false"
  1. Generate respondent authenticated event

If you know the case id which matches the stored UAC hash then you can supply it in the UACS get request:

   $ curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" "http://localhost:8071/uacs/8a9d5db4bbee34fd16e40aa2aaae52cfbdf1842559023614c30edb480ec252b4"

To calculate the sha256 value for a uac:

$ echo -n "w4nwwpphjjptp7fn" | shasum -a 256
8a9d5db4bbee34fd16e40aa2aaae52cfbdf1842559023614c30edb480ec252b4  -
  1. Check the get request results

Firstly confirm that the curl command returned a 200 status.

Also verify that it contains a line such as: "caseStatus": "OK",

  1. Check the respondent authenticated event

Firstly retrieve the event data from the 'event.response.authentication' queue.

Format the event text and make sure it looks like:

  "event": {
    "source": "RESPONDENT_HOME",
    "channel": "RH",
    "dateTime": "2019-06-24T10:38:07.550Z",
    "transactionId": "66cc1a1a-c4cc-4442-b7a4-4f86857d1aae"
  "payload": {
    "response": {
      "questionnaireId": "1110000009",
      "caseId": "dc4477d1-dd3f-4c69-b181-7ff725dc9fa4"

Manual testing with EventGenerator

This section does the same testing as the previous section but automates much of the work by using the EventGenerator. To run the whole test copy and paste the following in one go. Then check that, as in the privous section, that the respondent authenticated event has been published. Note that these commands require Httpie to be installed. They also assume that local RH and EventGenerator services are running.

This is how the hash of the UAC was calculated: $ echo -n "aaaabbbbccccdddd" | shasum -a 256 147eb9dcde0e090429c01dbf634fd9b69a7f141f005c387a9c00498908499dde -

This example uses a case uuid of: f868fcfc-7280-40ea-ab01-b173ac245da3 
 # Create UAC payload cat > /tmp/uac_updated.json <<EOF { "eventType": "UAC_UPDATED", "source": "SAMPLE_LOADER", "channel": "RM", "contexts": [ { "uacHash": "147eb9dcde0e090429c01dbf634fd9b69a7f141f005c387a9c00498908499dde", "caseId": "f868fcfc-7280-40ea-ab01-b173ac245da3" } ] } EOF

# Create case updated payload
cat > /tmp/case_updated.json <<EOF 
    "eventType": "CASE_UPDATED",
    "source": "SAMPLE_LOADER",
    "channel": "RM",
    "contexts": [
            "id": "f868fcfc-7280-40ea-ab01-b173ac245da3"

#Prepare outbound queue
http --auth generator:hitmeup GET http://localhost:8171/rabbit/create/SURVEY_LAUNCHED
http --auth generator:hitmeup GET http://localhost:8171/rabbit/flush/event.response.authentication

# Use the generator to create the UAC and case objects in Firestore
http --auth generator:hitmeup POST "http://localhost:8171/generate" @/tmp/uac_updated.json
http --auth generator:hitmeup POST "http://localhost:8171/generate" @/tmp/case_updated.json

# Wait until UAC and case have been loaded into Firestore
http --auth generator:hitmeup  get "http://localhost:8171/firestore/wait?collection=uac&key=147eb9dcde0e090429c01dbf634fd9b69a7f141f005c387a9c00498908499dde&timeout=1s"
http --auth generator:hitmeup  get "http://localhost:8171/firestore/wait?collection=case&key=f868fcfc-7280-40ea-ab01-b173ac245da3&timeout=1s"

# Make the UAC authenticated request
http --auth serco_cks:temporary get "http://localhost:8071/uacs/147eb9dcde0e090429c01dbf634fd9b69a7f141f005c387a9c00498908499dde"

# Grab respondent authenticated event
http --auth generator:hitmeup GET "http://localhost:8171/rabbit/get/event.response.authentication?timeout=500ms"

# Nicely close down rabbit connection (Probably not required)
http --auth generator:hitmeup GET "http://localhost:8171/rabbit/close"

Modified endpoint /cases/uprn/ - method name changed from getHHCaseByUPRN to getLatestValidNonHICaseByUPRN to reflect the fact that it will return non HI cases now with latest valid address record.

Docker image build

Is switched off by default for clean deploy. Switch on with;

  • mvn dockerfile:build -Dskip.dockerfile=false


Copyright (C) 2019 Crown Copyright (Office for National Statistics)