
A project to assist in composing multiple DP services

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A project to assist in composing multiple DP services

Running dp-compose assumes Docker is running natively and not in a VM. On a Mac this requires Docker Desktop for mac - NOT the previous docker toolbox which runs docker in a VM.

Note that if you run Docker using the mac VM, you will need to increase its resources.


There is a version 2 folder (v2), which contains different docker compose definitions for each stack.

Please, have a look at the version 2 README for more information, especially if you are new to dp-compose.

Non-v2 stacks

There are some stacks in this directory (not the v2 directory) which follow the below documentation, but we recommend starting with the (above) V2 stacks before using these.

More information about the kafka cluster here.


You may run containers for all required backing services by doing one of the following:

  • Run docker-compose up
  • Using the ./run.sh script does the same thing.
  • Run make start to start the kafka cluster containers

You can run make stop to stop the containers, or make clean to stop and remove them as well.

If you're running for the first time you will need to seed the Mongo database and create the collections for the first time. Run the init-db.sh script to create recipe and dataset related collections.


The ONS website and CMD both require Elasticsearch but (annoyingly) require different versions. The docker-compose.yml will start 2 instances.

Note: The default ports for Elasticsearch is usually 9200 & 9300 however in order to avoid a port conflict when running 2 different versions on the same box at the same time the CMD instance is set to use ports 10200 & 10300.

⚠️ Gotcha Warning ⚠️ You'll need to overwrite your ES config for the dp-dimension-search-builder and dp-dimension-search-api to use ports 10200 & 10300 to ensure they are using the correct instance.


Important: Zebedee requires Postgis.

The dp-compose_postgis container by default uses port 5432

Checking postgres version

If you run the below command you should see something similar to (see IMAGE column):

$ docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID    IMAGE                 COMMAND                   CREATED           STATUS           PORTS                     NAMES
d343558fd467    dp-compose_postgis    "docker-entrypoint.s…"    11 minutes ago    Up 11 minutes>5432/tcp    dp-compose-postgis-1

Or this command (see TAG column)

$ docker images
postgis      latest   ed34a2d5eb79    25 minutes ago    567MB

Connecting to Postgres

To connect to the container and query via the postgres CLI

docker run -it --rm --link dp-compose_postgis_1:postgis --net dp-compose_default postgis/postgis psql -h postgis -U postgres


Dependencies should be kept at specific versions and up-to-date with production. Previously we were just using 'latest' and out-of-date versions which both could lead to unexpected behaviour. This repository should be the source of truth for which versions to use for dependencies.