Respondent Home is part of ONS's Survey Data Collection platform. It allows users to validate their Internet Access Code (IAC) and forwards them to the ONS eQ Survey Runner upon successful validation.
This repository contains the Python AIOHTTP application that is the user interface for the Respondent Home product.
The fields required to launch an eQ survey is documented in the ons-schema-definitions.
Currently, the only social survey that is targeted is LMS 1. The full schema of which exists in the eQ Survey Runner repository here.
Install the required Python packages for running and testing Respondent Home within a virtual environment:
make install
To run this application in development use:
make run
and access using http://localhost:9092.
To run the unit tests for Respondent Home:
make test
To bring up all the RAS/RM & eQ Runner services and run the integration tests against them and Respondent Home:
make local_test
NB: Waiting for the services to be ready will likely take up to ten minutes.
Respondent Home is one part of the RAS/RM docker containers:
The environment variables below must be provided: