
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


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The sde-transform-cs app is used within the Office National of Statistics (ONS) for transforming Survey Data Exchange (SDX) Surveys to formats in use in Common Software.


The service has a dependency on the pdf2ppm commandline tool bundled in the poppler package. To check whether this is already installed, run:

$ make check-dependencies

To install pdf2ppm on a Mac, use:

$ brew install poppler


This application presently installs required packages from requirements files:

  • requirements.txt: packages for the application, with hashes for all packages: see https://pypi.org/project/hashin/
  • test-requirements.txt: packages for testing and linting

It's also best to use pyenv and pyenv-virtualenv, to build in a virtual environment with the currently recommended version of Python. To install these, see:

Getting started

Once your virtual environment is set, install the requirements:

$ make build

To test, first run make build as above, then run:

$ make test

NOTE: .pck and .nobatch test files are required to not have a newline character at the end of the file. A simple way to remove it is to do the following command perl -pi -e 'chomp if eof' filename

It's also possible to build sdx-transform-cs within a container using docker. From the sdx-transform-cs directory:

$ docker build -t sdx-transform-cs .


To start sdx-transform-cs service locally, use the following command:

$ python server.py

If you've built the image under docker, you can start using the following:

$ docker run -p 5000:5000 sdx-transform-cs

sdx-transform-cs by default binds to port 5000 on localhost. It exposes several endpoints for transforming to idbr and pck formats. It returns a response formatted in the type requested. Post requests are made aginst the uri endpoints /pck, /idbr, /images, /common-software or /cord. Responses are delivered in the format requested, except the /images, /common-software, /cord and /cora endpoints which return archived zips of requested data. There is also a health check endpoint (get /healtcheck), which returns a json response with a key/value pairs describing the service state.


The example below uses the Python library requests to confirm some data is valid using sdx-transform-cs.

import requests

data_to_transform = '''{
   "type": "uk.gov.ons.edc.eq:surveyresponse",
   "origin": "uk.gov.ons.edc.eq",
   "survey_id": "023",
   "version": "0.0.1",
   "collection": {
     "exercise_sid": "hfjdskf",
     "instrument_id": "0203",
     "period": "0216"
   "submitted_at": "2016-03-12T10:39:40Z",
   "metadata": {
     "user_id": "789473423",
     "ru_ref": "12345678901A"
   "data": {
     "11": "01/04/2016",
     "12": "31/10/2016",
     "20": "1800000",
     "51": "84",
     "52": "10",
     "53": "73",
     "54": "24",
     "50": "205",
     "22": "705000",
     "23": "900",
     "24": "74",
     "25": "50",
     "26": "100",
     "21": "60000",
     "27": "7400",
     "146": "some comment"

r = requests.post('', data=data_to_transform)

r.data =



Some of important environment variables available for configuration are listed below:

Environment Variable Default Description
SDX_SEQUENCE_URL http://sdx-sequence:5000 URL of the sdx-sequence service
FTP_PATH \\ FTP path
SDX_FTP_IMAGE_PATH EDC_QImages Location of EDC Images

Image generation

When hitting certain endpoints, a zip file that contains a number of JPG images that represent the submission will be returned. These images are produced with the help of JSON files that describe what the image should look like. These can be found in transform/surveys/*.json

The keys of these json files describe how the image should look and below is a guide on the what they do.

  • title: Full survey name, appears at the top as a header
  • survey_id : Id of the survey, appears below the title
  • form_type : Form type of the survey,
  • question_groups: An array of sections. Each section is comprised of a heading and a number of questions relating to that section.

Each element of the question_groups is made up of the following:

  • title: Name of the section, appears at the top of the section
  • questions: Array of questions. Each question corresponds to a question the respondent would've filled out on EQ.

Each element of questions is made up of the following:

  • text: This is the heading of the question. This should be as close as possible to the question asked in EQ.
  • question_id: This is the qcode of the question. The code in the data from EQ will be used to populate the answer of this field
  • number: Used to output the qcode of the question in the image.
  • type: Can be one of currency, date, checkbox, radio, contains, positiveinteger or percentage. None of these affect the image. The contains and date types affect the data added to the pck file. The other types are there to aid in maintaining the survey.
  • options: Doesn't affect the image. It's used to add context to radio and checkbox fields as each possible answer will have its own qcode but needs to have the same question because of the way it needs to look in the image.


Copyright © 2016, Office for National Statistics (https://www.ons.gov.uk)

Released under MIT license, see LICENSE for details.